Update update. I reli did get into CBRD, together with quite a few ppl from my section. But ANG ZHENYI DIDNT GET IN! ZOMG! For the first time in 5 months, we're seperated. Wah lao eh, feels as though i just broke up with my gf or something. LOL. And according to him, bridging sucks. =/ Oh well, i just hope life gets better for him soon.
As for me, CBRD training the last few days was..quite okay. Lectures most of the time, and the stuff we learn is insanely a lot. Chemical defence is so chemistry(duh), biological is so biology(duh), and radiological is so physics. Wtf sia, totally like studying for 'A' levels again. And to make things worse, the theory tests are much stricter than anything i've had till now. Fail once got retest. But failing retest will get you out-of-course. O.O Hell, every time we got time, my bunk mates will be there reading notes. Zomg scary.
Oh and the bunks are ridiculous. Super small, dusty bunks with double-deckered beds, shared by eleven people. Baths got no doors, theres only one water cooler in the whole building. Terrible living conditions. =/ Good thing is, our commanders focus a lot on fitness, 5bx with run every morning, doing chin-ups every time before meals. Okay lar, nothing much to mention, 'cept we played bball while wearing gas mask ytd. Quite shag, but dam fun. Heh.
My PC guitar hero is sold! And i got the ps3 guitar hero! YAY! But its not something i can play 24/7, fingers too pain. In fact, i stop after 1 hr of gameplay each time. Its been fun so far, 'hard' difficulty isnt exactly v hard, i think imma move on to 'expert' soon. =D
Since monday is public holiday, we got 3 days break including today. My parents took this chance to go overseas and have a holiday AGAIN. They're crazy. Everytime got chance, go for holiday by themselves and leave me and my bro at home. But not like it matters lar, i also dont reli wanna go. I got no idea where they are now, but its only 2 days 1 night, so oh well. And my dad is hilarious, sent me and my bro a msg saying:
"hi, kai and rui, we just hd dinner. A lot of insects. Take care. Mum Dad"
HAHAHA i couldnt stop laughing when i saw the msg. It was okay at first, i understood what he meant, that there are a lot of insects at the place they are. But reading the msg again, he sounded as though he ate a lot of insects for dinner! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Funny.
Oh ya i just noticed the ps3 trophies thingy after i added japhet as fren. Hell he got what, 100+ bronze trophies and some silver/gold ones. Hes a level 5 trophy collector, while im only level 2 -.- Imma try and get more trophies on my GH5. Heh. Oh and to all my frens with ps3, add me ps3 fren at 'StrikeDKaiZ'. Or just leave ur PSN name on my tagboard or something and i'll add you. =D